New Registry location: The older version is being phased out.


Proof of purchasing a devcon ticket.

Step 1: Provide an email sample

You can either connect your gmail or upload a .eml file. Your google API key is kept locally and never sent out to any of our servers.

Step 2: Select the emails you want the proofs created for

Choose the emails you want to create proofs for. You can select multiple emails.

If you select to create the proofs remotely, your emails will be sent to our secured service for proof generation. Emails will be deleted once the proofs are generated

No emails found

Step 3: View generated proofs

Step 4: Verify proofs on-chain

Verification Contract: 0x053ec3b7D8D4c99A4757cf6F052FF6f5B0FE9C9F

Groth16 Contract: 0x27E581F31D2938D76BB359F1c13199f79F3Ec396